
About Me

Hey there! My name is Danae Natalie Savvidi and I'm a student living in Greece :) This is my very first website so I guess as time moves on the graphics and stuff will be improved! Anyway... Here's a little bit about myself!


I have two sisters Maria, the oldest and Nefelie, the youngest. I was born in the USA but soon after my parents moved to Greece, where I have been living for the past 15 years. I went to 2nd Primary School of Boutes and I moved to England to finish Year 6. After that, I came back to Greece and entered the Secondary School of Gazi. I did not finish my secondary education there, as I changed schools before Year 9. Now, after getting my secondary school degree at the Modal Experimantal School of Heraklion, I am finishing school at the General Model Experimental Lyceum of Herkalion :)


Well I do have MANY interests. So many I don't know where to start! I mean I always do stuff, and since I enjoy most of them it's like having free and productive time all year round! Anyway, here are my favorites:

  • Yeah, you guessed it right; anything that has to do with computers is like candy time for me! Apart from the fact that I absolutely love programming, I try to find broken electronics and repair them. Setting up home theaters or reviving dead phones is such an enjoyable thing to do! Here's a tip for the curious: I made this website using the static site generator Jekyll. The code is here on my GitHub if you want to take a look at it but I can also help you if you want!

  • I do use a lot of my free time playing the piano, although mostly composing or playing my own pieces instead of playing Chopin haha. Credits to Mrs Sofi, my piano teacher, who has always been there for me, for more than 10 years!

  • Even though I lose every single time at arm restling, I have been very athletic my whole life! I played tennis for 6 years and did Rythmic Gymnastics for another 4 years! On top of that, I used to play football and I recently started doing pilates. Oh! Here's something many people don't know about me: I did volleyball lessons for 3 days!!!

  • On August 2017 I bought my Parrot Bebop 2 drone. This drone has flown in snow, above beaches, seas and mountains. I have edited many drone videos and even posted one on YouTube!

  • I know I keep saying how I am not an artistic person and that I am not good with art and stuff. But you will be surprised by what I drew the other day! Do you know the fastest man alive? How about The Flashhh? Yeah, well that guy from the TV show Flash. Him. I drew him, and the result was incredible! I could not believe I did that! Although I am not so good with drawing shadows, it was pretty good!

  • Alright, one last thing, cause I want you to be left a little curious about me, haha. Last year I discovered that I writing short stories was like paradise for me! My teachers in primary school would tell me I had a huge imagination and they were right! Years later, I began writing incredible stories! I posted some of them on Wattpad and iBooks, if you want to check them out ;)


Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little bit about me! I hope one day we could get to know each other better in the future! Here is my Instagram and email if you wish to contact me!